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Advent December 7

Writer's picture: Christy SchuetteChristy Schuette

December 7

“Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive, have a son and name Him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

“Then the angel told her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.’ Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?’ The angel replied, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. The Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:30-31, 34-35

In the passage from Isaiah above we see the prophecy that Jesus would be born of a virgin and then the passage in Matthew shows us the fulfillment of that prophecy. I think there are several possible reasons this is important.

1. The fulfillment of prophecy. There had to be some way to set Him apart and to distinguish His birth from the births of all other babies born to a mother and father throughout history. Jesus is the only baby ever to be born of a virgin mother. His miraculous conception sets Him apart as the only One in history who could be the Messiah. Without this, Jesus would be just like the rest of us. And if He is just like the rest of us, then there is no way He can be our Savior.

2. It is evidence of His divine origin. If He was conceived in the same way that everyone else was conceived, how could He claim to be God? It is not merely the manner by which He was conceived that is important, but rather the One who is responsible for His conception. In Matthew 1:20, an angel of the Lord tells Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary home to be his wife because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. He was placed inside the womb of a virgin supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was God Himself who came to earth to dwell among us. He was fully God.

3. It confirms His sinless humanity. As humans we have a sinful nature. We get that sinful nature the moment we are conceived. It is passed down as a curse to us from Adam. Jesus did not have that sinful nature. Whether that is because it is passed down to us by way of our human fathers which Jesus did not have or there is some other miraculous explanation, we know that Jesus was fully human and yet He was able to live a perfect, sinless life. He had flesh and blood just like us. He got tired, felt hunger and needed sleep and yet, somehow, He never sinned. He never had an evil thought. He was never selfish. He never lusted or lied. He always treated His parents with respect. He was always loving and kind to His siblings. He was perfect.

If we have a sinful nature, then we are incapable of living a perfect life. Jesus is the only One who has ever lived a sinless, perfect life. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. We are doomed to die and spend eternity in hell, so we need a savior. We cannot save ourselves. If He was fully God but not man, He could not relate to us and could not offer Himself as a sacrifice in our place to take the punishment for our sin. If He was fully human and not God, then He could not have lived a perfect life and would have needed a savior Himself making Him incapable of being a savior for us. But because He was both God and man, He is the only One who ever lived who qualifies as our Savior.

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