October 18
Jeremiah 30-31
Psalm 117
Proverbs 25:11-12
Hebrews 1
“So, He became as much superior to the angels as the name He has inherited is superior to theirs. Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:4, 14 NIV
There is a lot of misinformation about angels. I often hear people talk about their grandmother who has passed away that they think is now their guardian angel. A lot of people believe that when we die, we become angels. That is not accurate. Nothing in the Bible supports that idea. Angels are a separate entity of beings. There are no scriptures that indicate that when we die, we become angels. Angels have a specific function and are created for a specific purpose that is distinct from that of humans. The Bible speaks about a Heavenly realm in which the angels operate that is distinct and separate from the physical realm that we live in. There are battles going on that we are not aware of that are nonetheless very real and impact our lives greatly. Angels and demons fight daily battles to gain ground in the culture war and they battle in our individual lives as we fight off temptation and evil. God uses angels to protect us, to guide us, to deliver us from evil, to comfort us, and to encourage us. In biblical times, God used angels to deliver messages and to prophecy about coming events. They are real beings that exist in the Heavenly realm and have an impact on the physical realm. God created us in His image. We have a soul that was created in God’s image and likeness. Angels are created beings that were made to serve and worship Him. Some people worship angels and exalt them. Angels are created beings. They are not worthy of worship or exaltation. God is the Only One worthy of our worship. Angels are not superior to us. They are created to serve us and help us. They are ministering spirits to us. We do not pray to angels or exalt them in any way. We pray to God, and He uses angels in whatever way He chooses to bring about His purposes in our lives.
This may seem like I am nitpicking about something that doesn’t matter, but it is actually very important. Exalting anything, even angels, is idolatry. Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the triune God, is the Only One worthy of any praise, worship, or exaltation. Worshipping anything or anyone else is an insult. No one or nothing else is worthy of our praise and worship. Angels, like humans, are created beings who were made to serve God and do His will.