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Writer's pictureChristy Schuette

Bold and Persistent

January 9


Genesis 17-18

Psalm 6:6-10

Proverbs 1:24-27

Matthew 7


Bold and Persistent


“Then he said, ‘Oh may the Lord not be angry, and I shall speak only this once; suppose ten are found there?’ And He said, ‘I will not destroy it on account of the ten.’” 

Genesis 18:32 LSB


Abraham was not afraid to approach God in intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah.  The Lord revealed to him that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin and the evil of their ways.  Abraham interceded on their behalf asking God to spare the city if He could find 50 righteous people among them.  God agreed.  He then asked God to spare the city if He could find 45 righteous men and God agreed.  He approached God again asking for 40, 30, 20 and finally 10 righteous people.  Each time God said that He would not destroy the city if He could find that many righteous people.  Unfortunately, God was not able to find even 10 righteous men and He destroyed both cities. 

            It is interesting that this interaction was included in the canon of Scripture.  Nothing is in the Bible accidentally.  God wanted us to understand that He listens to our prayers on behalf of others.  He wants us to intercede for those we know and love.  He listens to our prayers and He reacts to our heartfelt pleas.  And if it is His will, he sometimes changes His plans based on our prayers.  We cannot understand why or how the sovereign Lord of the universe listens to us and alters His actions to answer our prayers and yet Scripture tells us over and over that is exactly what He does.  It pleases Him when we boldly approach the throne of grace asking Him to show mercy and favor to those we love. 

            Abraham was persistent in His requests.  He didn’t just offer a quick prayer and go on his way.  He didn’t get tired of asking the same request repeatedly.  He didn’t assume that God knew what he wanted so there was no need to keep asking.  He appealed to God’s love and mercy and begged God to spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.  He didn’t give up.  He kept asking until He had an answer.  God did not get angry at Abraham for being so bold.  He did not get tired or weary or annoyed by Abraham’s requests.  He listened and responded. 

 Are we that persistent in prayer?  Do we continue to pray until we get an answer?  Do we boldly intercede for others?  Does our heart break for the lost? 


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