July 3
1 Chronicles 6-7
Psalm 78:1-8
Proverbs 17:3-4
Acts 28
Future Generations
“I will speak mysteries from the past—things we have heard and known and that our fathers have passed down to us. We must not hide them from their children but must tell a future generation the praises of the Lord, His might, and the wonderful works He has performed. He established a testimony in Jacob and set up a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach their children so that a future generation—children yet to be born—might know. They were to rise and tell their children so that they might put their confidence in God and not forget God’s works but keep His commands.” Psalm 78:2-7 HCSB
My first grandbaby is due in September, and I am so excited I can’t hardly stand it! Every night when Brian and I pray, we pray for Hadley. We don’t pray that she will have an easy life or that everything will always go her way. Nor do we pray that she will have a trouble-free life because that is not realistic. In this fallen world, we all experience difficulties, heartache, and pain. Hadley will face all those things. What Brian and I pray for her every night is that she will come to know Jesus at an early life and that she will walk with Him all the days of her life. If He is by her side, she will be ok. He will give her the strength, peace, and wisdom to deal with anything that comes her way.
As I reflect on my life, I am so grateful that I had parents and grandparents that did exactly as those verses above instruct us. I do not remember a time when I did not know God loved me and when I was not confident in His presence in my life. I accepted Him as my personal savior when I was nine years old, but long before that I knew Him, and He was a consistent part of my life. I prayed to Him and read my Bible. I knew the Bible stories and believed in His power to work miracles and to take care of me. My parents took me to church, they prayed with me at night, and they taught me about Jesus. I saw my parents and grandparents praying and reading their Bibles. God was not just talked about on Sunday; He was a part of everything we did. They prayed for guidance about any decisions they made, for healing of the sick, for comfort for those who were grieving. They studied their Bibles for wisdom, and they taught me that God is the source of wisdom and strength to help me in my life. I have tried to model that for my children and to tell them about God “so that they might put their confidence in Him and not forget God’s works but keep His commands.” Our children watch everything we do. If they rarely see us reading our Bible, only hear about God on Sunday, and only see us turn to God when we are facing a crisis, that is likely the example they will follow. If, on the other hand, God is intimately involved in all aspects of our lives, they see us seek Him in all our decisions, and they witness our reliance on Him during good times and bad times, it will be natural for them to involve Him in their lives as they mature and grow. This is my prayer for Hadley and for those in her generation. I pray they will know Him intimately and learn to rely completely on Him.