Palm Sunday
Scripture References- (Verses in parentheses are parallel references.)
The Triumphal Entry- Matthew 21:1-11 (Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19: 28-44, John 12:12-19)
(OT references- Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 118:26)
This is an amazing scene. Often Jesus would quietly slip in and out of towns, not calling attention to Himself. But on this day, He very carefully planned His entry for everyone to see and take note. Often when He healed someone or performed miracles, He told His followers not to tell anyone, but on this day He was proclaiming Himself to be King. He was sending a very specific message. Zechariah 9:9 predicted long before Jesus came that their King, their Messiah, would come humbly riding on a donkey. In those days, Kings would typically ride big, strong horses, but if He came in riding a donkey, it meant He came in peace. When He came on a horse it was in power to conquer and rule, but Jesus was saying that He came to bring peace. He is the Prince of Peace. He came to give us God’s love and peace. The Jews were expecting a King Messiah who would conquer their enemies and take over the world for them. Jesus came in love to show them a better way.
Jesus was sent to earth on a mission. His task was to be a sacrifice in order to provide forgiveness for sins and allow us to be at peace with God. He was the perfect Son of God sent to point us to God and to provide the way, the only way, for us to get to God. When we believe in Jesus and trust in Him, our sins are forgiven and we can have peace, love and joy no matter what our circumstances are in life.
The people were so excited when they saw Him coming. They had heard stories about Jesus healing people and performing miracles. Many of them had been in the crowd when He taught them and then fed 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. They had heard about how He raised Lazarus from the dead just a few days before. They believed He was the Lord and they were singing and dancing and praising Him. They were laying their coats and cutting palm branches to lay down in the street as He rode in on the donkey. It was kind of like a red carpet they were laying out in front of Him to show Jesus honor and respect. We know that later in the week things changed really fast, but on this day they loved and honored Jesus.