June 30
2 Kings 24-25
Psalm 77:1-6
Proverbs 16:30-31
Acts 25
“Gray hair is a glorious crown; it is found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31 HCSB
Redheads don’t really turn gray, but my hair is getting lighter and lighter, especially around my face and someday I will probably be white headed. I would have thought this would bother me, but it really doesn’t. I recognize that there are benefits to aging. My body may be feeling some wear and tear, but spiritually and emotionally I can rejoice with the freedom of maturity. There is a perspective that comes with age that is not possible to gain any other way. I’m not suggesting that younger people cannot be wise. There are certainly young people I know that are wise beyond their years. Sometimes that comes because of life experiences and sometimes they just have a unique wisdom from God at an early age. The opposite is also true. I know older people who are foolish that I would not consider mature at all. But generally, wisdom and maturity come with age. With more life experiences, good and bad, we have a broader range of knowledge and insight that allows us to make better decisions and see life from a wider perspective. And more importantly, years spent at the feet of Jesus allows Him time to shape, refine and mature us. As I get older, I recognize the importance of spending time with Jesus every day. I have always known it is important, but I have not always recognized how essential it is to my peace and emotional well-being. With maturity there is also a recognition that God’s way really is the best thing for me. Righteousness produces benefits. Following His plan for my life and adhering to the principles He has provided in Scripture actually does produce blessings. I’m not suggesting that if you follow His ways, you will never have difficulty or heartache. Obviously, that is not accurate, but we are able to avoid many of the foolish decisions and pitfalls that come because of following our own path. God has the benefit of being able to see into the future. If we seek Him, He will guide us to make decisions that are good for us.
No matter what your age, there is tremendous benefit to seeking out older, more mature believers for wisdom and insight. We can all benefit from their years of knowledge and depth of experience. The elderly are often pushed aside in our culture to make room for new and “better” ways of doing things. Let us not make the mistake of failing to learn from the lessons of the past or thinking we are smarter than our elders.