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Our Intercessor

Writer's picture: Christy SchuetteChristy Schuette

October 27

Jeremiah 50

Psalm 119:33-40

Proverbs 26:1-2

Hebrews 7:11-28

Our Intercessor

“Consequently, He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercessions for them. For it was indeed fitting that we should have a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.” Hebrews 7:25-26 ESV

Jesus can save to the uttermost. Whatever it takes until our salvation is complete, He is able to do for us. He has the power to save us and to keep us saved until He presents us to His Father in Heaven. He does not save us and then leave us to work everything out on our own. If we come to God, depending on Jesus, we can rest secure in the knowledge of our redemption. He will secure to completion all those who entrust their salvation to Him. Jewish high priests were appointed for life, but when they died, they were replaced by other priests. Jesus conquered death and therefore, He lives forever and does not need to be replaced as our High Priest. The Levitical priests presented sacrifices continually to atone for their own sins and the sins of the people. Those sacrifices secured forgiveness for their sins, but they could not make them perfect. They continued to commit sins so that more sacrifices were necessary. Jesus provided atonement once and for all so that those who draw near to God through Him are made perfect. Not that we are perfect on our own, but that we are covered with His perfection so that when He presents us to His Father we appear as white as snow. He is innocent, pure, unstained, and holy and He imputes that perfection to us. It seems too good to be true, but that is what the Bible promises us.

It is comforting to know that our eternal destiny is secure and if that was the only thing we were promised, that would be enough. But faith in Jesus gives us so much more. The added bonus is that we also get His constant help now. He has given us the Holy Spirit to live in us and help us. He is our comforter, guide, mentor, and our constant companion. We are not alone. And this verse tells us that Jesus is in Heaven right now living to make intercession for us. Did you get that? He lives to make intercession for us. That is what He lives for! The thing we live for is our passion. Intercession is the action of intervening on behalf of another, appealing and pleading someone else’s case. So, Jesus’ passion is to intervene on my behalf. He is up in Heaven now appealing to God and pleading my case. He is my advocate. He knows I cannot do it on my own. He knows how much I need help and because of His great love for me, He is doing everything He needs to do to help me. Notice I said everything He needs to do, not everything He can do. If someone does everything they can do to help me, it might not be enough. Jesus does everything that needs to be done because He is able to complete everything He starts. He has no limitations. Having Jesus as my advocate allows me to rest and trust Him even when I don’t understand what is happening. I do not need to fear because I know He is able to do whatever is best for me.

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