February 4
Exodus 13-14
Psalm 18:25-29
Proverbs 4:5-6
Matthew 22:23-46
The Greatest Commandment
“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.’ Matthew 22:37-38 NIV
As Christians, we are often so concerned with doing great things for God and accomplishing things in His name that we forget about loving Him. We get so caught up in serving and doing that we have very little time and energy left for Him. It is easier I think to do things for God than to be with Him. In the last year, God has shown me that my busyness has often been a substitute for intimacy with Him. I am a type A personality and very goal oriented. Give me a task and I will get it done. Although I probably would not have admitted it, spending lengthy times in prayer and fellowship with God seemed a waste of my time. I felt almost guilty when I spent long periods of time in prayer because I had so many other things I needed to be doing. And if I am totally honest, most of my time with God was rushed and lacking in true intimacy. He has shown me that He is far more interested in spending time with me and revealing Himself to me than He is in any task or act of service I might do for Him. He is teaching me that time spent with Him is the best and most productive use of my time. Time alone with Him will prepare me to serve Him. If He is not preparing me then I am struggling to accomplish things on my strength and abilities. The only way I can love God with all my heart, soul and mind is to get to know Him and the only way to get to know Him is to spend time with Him every day.
My husband and I met at church. We did things with our singles group for a couple of months before we started dating. We knew a lot about each other, but we did not really know each other. When we started dating, we spent time alone together talking and getting to know each other. We both knew very quickly that we wanted to get married and believed that God brought us together. When we got married a few short months later, I know I loved him, but after thirty-one years together I love him so much more. I know him deeply and intimately. I know what he likes and what he doesn’t like. I know what makes him happy and what makes him angry. We have been through good times and bad times. The time together has developed our love for each other. This is true of our relationship with God as well. We cannot truly love God without spending time to get to know Him.