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Writer's pictureChristy Schuette

The Wife of Noble Character

December 31

Malachi 3-4

Psalms 150

Proverbs 31:28-31

Revelation 22

The Wife of Noble Character


“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.  She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  Proverbs 31:25, 26, 30 NIV


The description given in Proverbs 31 of the virtuous woman is a very familiar passage.  I think it has the potential to be discouraging because it seems impossible to accomplish.  No one can live up to this.  So how should we handle it?  Do we take one look at it and throw up our hands without even trying or do we run ourselves ragged trying to be this perfect wife?  The first thing that we need to look at is who wrote this passage and who it was written to.  The passage identifies King Lemuel as the author, but most scholars believe that it was written by King Solomon using a fictitious name.  Solomon did not write this passage to women to tell them how to be a good wife.  The text tells us that Proverbs 31 was an inspired utterance that his mother taught him.  If Solomon is the author, then his mother, Bathsheba, told him these things to advise him on what kind of woman he needed to look for.  Knowing what we know about Solomon and his many wives and concubines, he did not listen to his mother or at least he did not heed her advice.  He may have written this passage wishing he had listened.  This gives us a whole new perspective on this passage.  If you are the mother of a boy, you want him to choose well.   This is not a specific woman that is being described.  It is a compilation of all the traits that this mother wanted in a wife for her son.  It is not intended to be a measuring stick for us to use to examine our lives and see how badly we are failing.  But we also should not completely ignore it.  It is excellent, practical advice given by a wise woman that we can learn from.  As we read it, we can ask God to reveal to us areas that we need to work on and then allow Him to guide us in implementing them in our lives.  Most of these traits do not only apply to married women.   They are qualities that can be applied to the lives of any believer. 


1.     She is trustworthy.  Her husband has full confidence in her because she is honest, and he knows he can trust her in everything, big and small.

2.     She is a hard worker, industrious, and resourceful. She is not lazy.  She works hard to take care of what has been entrusted to her.  Her house is in order, and she is prepared. 

3.     She is clothed with strength and dignity.  Her strength comes from God so she can handle whatever comes her way.  She handles herself with dignity in ways that glorify God.

4.     She is wise.  Her wisdom comes from the Lord.  She acts wisely and she gives wise advice to others. 

5.     She is a good steward of her time and resources.  She does not waste what she has been given. 

6.     She trusts God and acts on her faith.  She is confident about the future because she knows that God will take care of her family. 

7.     Her value is not found in physical appearance or material wealth, it is found in her relationship with God.  She is confident, capable, and self-assured because of God’s work in her life. 

8.     She is generous.  She reaches out her hand to the needy and extends her hand to the poor. 

9.     She selflessly serves others.  Her focus is not on her own desires and needs, but on meeting the needs of her husband, her family, her friends, and those in need.  Her joy is found in loving and serving others.

10.   She respects her husband.  She comes alongside him and helps him in all he does. 

11.   She teaches and instructs her children in the ways of the Lord.  She disciplines them in love and trains them in righteousness. 

12.   She is kind, gentle and humble toward others. 


The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to examine our lives and ask God to show us what He wants to work on in us this year. 


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