March 29
Numbers 32
Psalm 38:1-8
Proverbs 9:10-12
Luke 3:1-20
We’re All in This Together
“He said to them, ‘If the Gadites and Reubenites, every man armed for battle, cross over the Jordan with you before the Lord, then when the land is subdued before you, you must give them the land of Gilead as their possession.” Numbers 32:29 NIV
As they approached the promised land this time, they were about to cross the Jordan and take possession of the land God had promised them. The Reubenites and Gadites surveyed the land and decided that this land would be good for them because they had large herds and flocks. The land on this side of the Jordan was good for grazing their livestock, so they went to Moses and asked if they could stay and take possession of this land. The problem was that Moses needed every able- bodied man to help them take possession of the land that had been promised to them. They agreed to go with Moses and fight alongside their brothers to take control of the land and after all the land had been conquered, they could return and live in Gilead. A few years ago, High School Musical was the most popular movie for preteen and teen girls and both of my daughters loved it. It played so often on my TV that without even realizing it I memorized the words to all the songs. When I read today’s passage, I couldn’t help thinking of the words to one of the songs, “We’re All in This Together.” I think if they did a remake of the Ten Commandments when they came to this scene Moses might break out into his own version of this song to convince the tribes of Gad and Reuben that they needed to help their brothers out. Can’t you just picture it? Before the scene is over, they would all be singing and dancing together and ready to go over and conquer anybody in their way.
God created us to live in community. We are all in this together. We need each other. We need other Christians for support, encouragement, guidance, and strength. We are designed to function within a body of believers. We have a role and purpose within that body. Are you fulfilling that role? Are you serving others? Are you providing encouragement, support, guidance, and strength to others? Ask the Lord to show you ways that you can step up and work together with other believers.